Greenham: 100 Years of War & Peace
Around 5000 turned up to watch the final curtain call for Greenham: 100 Years of War and Peace. Greenham:WP17 was a large scale outdoor event celebrating 20 years of the Greenham Trust. On the evenings of the 8th and 9th September 2017 the story of Greenham Common came alive through an amazing spectacle of performance, songs, light projections and live art.
Greenham: 100 Years of War and Peace is a large scale outdoor event celebrating 20 years of the Greenham Trust.
On the evenings of the 8th and 9th September 2017 the story of Greenham Common came alive through an amazing spectacle of performance, songs, light projections and live art, portraying 100 years of history of the Common and the dramatic moments of war and peace that form part of that history. The event was filmed for online broadcast and covered by radio and TV, and a full-kength video will shortly be available on Facebook.